Thursday, December 17, 2009

Exams Over !! Blogging Start !!

Just finished with my first exam ever on the foreign land. I must say it was far more difficult then what I was anticipating..Thats why they say, There is No Free Lunch !!!
Lets hope for the best. It happens with me almost everytime, after the exam is finished instead of enjoying I always go through exam papers in my mind and tend to recount my marks with differnt perspectives. Like if this goes wrong how much I should get for what I have done. Let me see it from the professors or paper evaluators point of view. Hmm.. I know kind of childish thing to do!! But now it has become a habit and somehow I cant (or may be don't want) to get over it.. And this time the tension is quite a bit more because of the marking and correction pattern of the university is quite unfamiliar to me as it's my first exam here in HKU. Anyways lets not get into that.
So holidays for almost a month!! And I really don't know what to do.. May be I will go to some nice restaurant and have some good Indian Food. I am just missing my BUTTER CHICKEN AND BUTTER NAAN too much in Hong Kong. Gosh.. Those were the days, when I used to sit in a restaurant (sometimes even alone) and order one full butter chicken and have almost 6-7 butter naans with it. mmmm... mouth watering experience.
Anyways Life here in Hong Kong is quite different ! I am just a student here. No additional luxaries of having a healthy salary and spending it with quite a free hand. So just need to be in check all the time. No regrets offcourse. But just comparing with my lifestyle back in India quite a lot constrained one. I just finished all my pending work today. So now just relaxing and waiting for the grand grand result, which is due in first week of January. Its a grade based system so quite ok with that but still I need to pass all the Because they do Curve fitting after the result. Being in IT industry for 3 years, I very well know advantages and disadvantages of curve fittings. So keeping my fingers crossed !!
Hope this free time will kick my rebelious mind to write some masterpiece...
Miss you all my dear friendz..


Precious said...

hahaha butter chicken!!!

Rajesh said...

all the best for the results bro and keep blogging... :)