Thursday, October 1, 2009

I Love My Life.. I, Me and Myself...

Hmm.. I dont know from where should I start..
When I was in school the outside world seemed to be a very bad place. I was very much comfortable with my parents, home environment and all the comforts that come along with it.
I was one of the fortunate kids whos mother used to drop him at the school and then pick up again when school ends. In a way my childhood went in a very much like a celebrity, as a student my teachers used to like me, as a son I always gave my parents proud moments with some good marks and achievements, as a kid everyone in family loved me so much as well as my close friends. My parents always give me the things that I ever wanted. But I think I never ask for anything fancy for my age that they could deny.. But I am so lucky to have such parents and more than my parents it was my aunty (I call her Aai) who took care of me like no one does.
So in all , I was a child brought up in very secured environment.
While I was growing up, may people including some of my teachers and our family well wishers told my parents, my aunty that you are making him very dependant. He wont be able to survive when he goes to the outside world and wont be able to compete as he does not know what the hardship of life is. I always listened to these comments made about me but never said anything, mostly because I never realised what they are talking about. But Whenever I heard something like that I always thought that I wont let down my family when I grow up and prove these critics wrong.
And years went very fast, and soo I was out of my school and started going to college. I had two major challenges to face at that time. First, It was about travelling alone in BEST bus (Local Transport system in Mumbai) and the second and the biggest one is about learning and writing exams in English. As I was taught in Marathi (My Mother tounge) for all my life, it was very uncomfortable learning the stuff in English. Many time It happened like, I knew the concept but could not able to recognize how to present it in English. And I used to try may be 400% to learn the terms used in English to be able to present the concept I already know in Marathi. My close friends always helped me during those days. They never let me feel lonely in the class and always answered my all questions. We all are still great friends and I am proud of them all.
Rushikest,Akshay, Makrands, Abhijit, Swapnil and Saurabh we all were very close to each other and still are. I must say that they played a very vital role in providing the support I needed that time. And about the travelling, I never had a doubt in myself but it was just that I had never tried it. So I managed to pass my first hurdle, though not in a very satisfying way but atleast it gave me confidence to go on...
Oh I missed something in beetween. The classes I had joined for my HSC boards locked out in mid-way due to some management issues. And I did all the studies on my own in the last and crucial stage. One thing I learnt from my 10th exam is no matter how skillful and recognized teachers you have but you should always study in your own comfortable way. Just dont go on and follow the trusted way to success because it may not be the right way for you. I learnt this from my 10th SSC boards. I had joined very prestigious classes in our locality who produced toppers year after years and may be now also. And to their credit they took a lot of effort in organising my studies. But somehow it was not my way of studiying. I was very young to understand it that time. After that I always studied as I wanted to and guess I never did that bad. I dont like to bind myself in time tables and study according to that. I am not slave of the clock. If I am OK I can study for 24 hours non-stop and if I dont feel like I cant even sit with a book for 10 mins. Now many people have arguments over this patteren but its my way!!!!
Actually many people including my parents were panic about the situation as my class closed mid-way. And everyone thought that may be I wont be able to cope up with the English ( As this is a common problem with vernacular medium students!!) and some of them already told me that if you can get 80 I will try for your admission... I never said anything to anyone that time.
So I did whatever I could manage to score 93 in boards ( It was just a mere 75 in January school exams). So I was very much satisfied with my performance, and again I proved everyone wrong who lost all faith in me. Sometimes I even surprise myself that how could I managed to do!!
Its all about family and support of the loved ones!!
These two months always gave me the confidence I needed to go on. Whenever I used to study and something is not getting right for me, I always thought of these two months. If I could do that time why not this time... I always asked this question to me. Hopefully I managed to pass all my engineering courses without a repeat. The difference beetween this time and the time I gave my SSC exam was I knew my limits and I knew what is to be done exactly to get through. Hmm.. it comes from experience I guess. You should never curb your natural instincts and follow the routine path because your natural style may be best suited only to you and others are unaware of it.
Then I did more than 3 years of service at TCS, it was a nice learning experience. But I always followed my instincts and chose what I felt was comfortable for me. Development projects are very interesting and attractive for freshers but I chose to be in operations and maintenance project. Many people laughed at me that time as I chose O&M. But guess my life is about proving people wrong and creating a new way.. After 3 successful years in the project I dont think there is someone who can say my decision was wrong. I did more development and in depth analysis of system then any development guy could have...So it really matters what you are comfortable with..
Now again I took a wierd decision ( As people say !!) to come to Hong Kong for my Masters...
For me its a well calulated and well analysed decision... Lets see what happens this time...

Ha Ha Ha..Do I talk sensible sometimes? People who are usually around me dont think so...
I dont think I am that serious... But sometimes you have to be..he he he (As said by Miss XXXXXX) lol..

See I wrote two blogs in two days!! Actually todays China's national day 60th....
So I am having off... Bye bye for now..
Next post ..I really dont know when..

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