Monday, August 24, 2009
Hong Kong...
As I entered Ch.Shivaji International Airport, I knew that this is the last time I am able to see my family atleast for a year. For a boy like me who never lived alone and away from his family it was a bit sad feeling from inside. But at the same time I was happy that I am going for my Masters Degree and to see a new world on my own.
Then I went to Immigration counter where the guy asked me that how come you got your VISA without a stamp on it. It took me almost 20 mins to explain that this VISA is secured for me by my university and the sticker was sent to India and not that I sent my passport there via courier. But finally I managed to convince him.. (I am So Pyaara You See..) he he..
Then I sat down after security check in front of the gate I was supposed to get in to. Called up almost everyone whom I remembered. Felt very nice about it all. And was ready for the journey.
The time when I arrived in Hong Kong was about 9:30 AM. And I met a Taxi driver outside the airport. From any angle he was not looking a taxi driver. He was looking like karate kid..
So Ako (My First Chinese Friend - the driver) told me that he will take me to the Hostel in 350HK$ and I agreed for it as it was quite reasonable including my luggage.
So Mr. Ako comforted me with some nice music and information about Hong Kong. And he told me that HKU is no.1 university in Hong Kong and it is very difficult to get into that. So together we finally found that place where my hostel room was booked.
Then I was standing outside the hostel building wondering where the enterance is... Then a nice chinese female came to my rescue. And she showed me the way to the hostel. The caretaker there was very nice to me. he came forward and tried to life luggage ( Tried because it was abt 30 KGs to heavy for a 50 year fellow). Then he gave the room keys and showed me the hostel.
It was very nice of him.
After that I met my new room mates. All are from Main land China. So I roamed around a bit with them and had my first lunch in hong Kong. it was pork with Red Chilli,Tomato Sauce.
It was good to have the food they have daily. Then I visited the university confirming my registration and other formalities.
Oh and in my university the crowd is too cool. Everyone was roaming wearing shorts. Very understandable as its very hot in here and humid too. One more thing which was new for me is I waited for the signal to get green for pedestrians before crossing the roads. And people here cross the road at signal only and not in between like we do in india. Pretty organized crowd..
I am just settling down. Its very nice in here.. But still I miss family and friends. May be once the classes begin on 1st September I wont get a time to think about other things.
Overall it was a Nice First day in Hong Kong.. Lets see how it goes from now on...
Miss you all really very much!!
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Most Frustrating Days in My IT Career!!!
So as fas as last blog was concerned I have painted a very rosy picture about IT job and people must have thought that it was just a perfect job!!
The blog post was taken from my Good Bye Mail written to all my fellow collegues on the last day of the assignment.It was more like a Thank you mail and it was not appropriate to disclose my frustration in the same mail. But if you have noticed carefully it is written in the past tense.
This story is not based on true story!! But those who know the story would really find it true..
So any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental...
As the previous blog goes I really enjoyed my project and my company for say till a period of 2 years. I was just enjoying the work culture and people were really good. I mean the way they managed the way we all were groomed and motivated. It was like a dream job.
But nothing is permanant and every thing has an end. So my story goes like this...
I used to do all my job with all the dedication and all my efforts that I can put into. And I never said anyone 'No' for any kind of work ( I guess now also I find it very difficult to say 'No'). I used to coplete my prescribed work well before the time and everyone was happy. All the work I and My batch mates used to do efficiently. We would directly get work assigned from either user or head of the project.
But then came this shit in IT.. Its called project restructuring and hierarchy management. I really dont know how it helps and increases the performance. You all must have played a game in your early days that a person says something in the next person's ear and you need to pass on that sentence/word in the human chain. Most of the time the word spoken by the first person and the word spoken by the last person never matches. This game shows that the more direct you go ,there is less chance of miscommunication. And the above bullshit of hierarchy management works entirely opposite of that. It involves the people who do know a shit about the system to get involved in between the technical communication which does No Good to the solutionist as well as the person who seeks the solution. Sometime the comments which ame through this hierarchy were so irrelevant that It used to made me think twice about the purpose of the original mail. Let it be....
So due to this bullshit the work which used to come from a single person now used to come from not 1 not 2 but 3 Jugheads.. Now till date I am wondering that why they did this. One take on that was to make the project more stuctured and follow the normal format that the company usually follows. It may look good from outside but from inside it was total mess. And many people will say that they liked the new structured approach but I certainly dont like the change.
We all can talk , we have quite in depth knowledge of the system then why you need jokers to explain this all to client. And that too with incomplete knowledge and weird logic of theirs.
It was really miserable working with those jokers ( Yes thats the perfect name...) and same time I have to be professional. Because I never wanted the system and the person who had always motivated us to suffer because of these new clowns in the town. So it was really dificult for me to keep myself focussed from year or so. Actually there are some other reasons too to make it worse but that I will tell you as we go on...
So the jokers start functioning in the manner they say pretty efficiently... The mail which I and my mates used to process in a day now used to filter down from these jokers. And Now it was taking 2-3 days to resolve a simple issue and we were not allowed to take the desicions. I mean if We could have taken the decisions then what these jokers would have done. I dont believe in stealing someones bread and butter :) With their Experience (??), Knowledge (phew!! Please No Comments), and Logic ( Not from the planet earth) we used to get added comments in the mail. And it used to go in long loop. I must say that though above all things they did, the really came with some nice solutions once in a six month. So lets appriciate that experiece has no substitute.. So what if the intelligence surfaces once in the six month.. It proves that even they have brains!!
It was just a background information to show how my frustration built. The first trigger goes like this.. I was committed to work for this project only for the period of 2 years. And I was really appriciate the frankness of the person who committed to me this tenure. But when I completed my 2 years I was not supposed to discuss that with the same person but the jokers who have just landed up. Firstly I mailed one of the joker to get me confirmation on my release date. Now I suppose we all have calenders and very well aware of monts and counting we learn from standard 1st. So I guess I am not supposed to print special promotional posters and stick them in office saying that I have copleted to 2 years and I need a release. ( This is what I thought.. I never thought that people would be so dumb..) Initially I did not get reply then I got one reply which said that Jokers wanted to discuss some things with me. ( By the way I had completed 26 months by that time ..Guess 26 Months = 2 Years and 2 Months) I have clearly written in the mail that I have worked with all my dedication during this period and I need a respectful exit.
and also let me know the release plan which you have. But first thing joker said is .. "Oh ..You have completed 2 years.. We know that". Then I repeatedly asked them about my release plan but seems the jokers as they usually do have not made any. And they keep on telling me blah..blah which I was not at all interested. If I am not worng this release plan thing comes under project management... then one of the joker said .. ( the funniest of them all) What you are going to do after the release?.. Such a nice question buddy... You dont do your planning properly and then you ask me for my future plans.. What the hell on the earth he has to do with that?? ( You wont believe but I had written in the mail that I dont want to have discussion as it always goes in wrong loop and I request you to just reply with the release dates) And as usual the joker took in the wrong loop and told me how the company assigns the projects after release.. ( This we already know.. Plus that was totally uncalled for that time!! ) But the funny joker is like that only.. If you ask him his name he will tell you complete address (Not once may be 10 times n 1 revision too..lolz) but never tell you what you have asked for i.e. Name...
Then I got so frustrated with these jokers.. That one point of time I thought of handing over my resignation later. But then I thought It would be a cowardly decision and Why my company and system should suffer because of these . I can tell you from that day I only worked for the person who always motivated me and always let my anger take a back seat just because I never wanted to hurt him in any ways. As he has done almost everything possible for all of us. And moreover I never wanted to be unprofessional any time. Just keeping that in my mind I was doing the work.
All my intelligence and mind was there in the work but heart was not there... And somehow I felt I was humilated and frustrated just because of some personal egos... And sometimes neglected too.. I should say that all my team members were always behind me like a family but the fun and joy of freedom what I had enjoyed earlier in my career was totally gone!! Thanks to Jokers..
The other major problem I faced is the immense intellectual ability of the jokers. To understand the things which are not there and building sand castles in the air with their limited knowledge and undoubted imagination power.. Once If I am not wrong one joker had committed the client a thing which is not at all possible in our system. Now tell me is it possible to grow apples on Mango tree? But after all Jokers are Jokers!! and thats why I call them Jokers..
Then come another nice occassion.. And this time it was discussion for my performance appraisal.. As I have mentioned.. That I have always tried to give more than 100% and I never let my work get affected due to tantrums of these jokers. oh and I forgot to tell you one thing ..these jokers also follow hierrarchy.. One is supreme boss and other is down him and the third one thinks that he has the same authority of the second one.. ( I dont know why people Live in the dreamland... ) The third one actually does nothing but to do leftovers of the second one and also he coonducts Adult education classes. I dont know somehow he feels like people are weak with the numbers and he has to read out numbers to each and everyone in the team.
So the third joker who thinks that he has authority of second joker called me up for the discussion. I was very amused and the same time so much frustrated. ( Why a person with same designation as me should judge my capabilities ? If you want him to judge then let him give the position from which he can do it with dignity) But no jokers work like that only... They love to get cursed and humiliated from people. Then the 3rd grade jokers started and asked me how much I expected (The Rating)? I supposed we were not seating there to play mataka and guess my rating and it was supposed to be a serious discussion... But still with all my patientance and respect to his age (not his brainz) I answerd politely.. Then he told that he wants to share with me something.. And here opens the door of the sewage pipe....
He told had found out 2 negative feedbacks about me.. (oh thats cool.. but bloddy who gave you right to give any kind of feedback on my work .. Guess we were sharing the same designation at that time) Sorry.. I will cut my crap.. let it flow from sewage pipe itself.. I said Ok.
Then He Started.. The First one was I dont pick their calls after I go home..
Do u think I am supposed to comment on this.. Neither I have married any one of the jokers nor I shared any such kind of Special relationship with them. ( Oh and the cell is my personal one and not given by the company) then why I am supposed to pick these jokers' calls after leaving the office? Usually I used to be available in the office from 8:30 to 6:30.. And Jokers are supposed to get all work done in this period ( Hmm.. 10 Hours is quite a long time.. even if you remove 2 hours for food upload and download!! he he ). So this was a negative feedback about me... oh gosh!! I am scared.. This only shows inefficiency of jokers that they could not take out some work from me in office hours.. and the point which was mentioned was against the privacy of the person. Cant I have some private time after working whole day in the office? By the way office pays me only for work hours and not after that..
And one more thing.. Every other person in the project is able to reach me.. when there is a problem and called by a proper person I always respond back. I had came on many saturadays and sundays even in emargency situatuions and everyone knows that!! It must be the case that as all these 3 jokers talk utter bullshit I may not have picked their calls.. Now they want me to say this on their face!! But How could I do that.. I am so professional u know!! he he
The most surprising fact was the joker who just dont know anything about it was telling me and over that he gave me some Milk and Curd example.. That really made me go crazy..
oh you think this is enough. No the next point is more frustrating!!
The Second Point he told was about unplanned leaves... Oh Holly God!!! Just leave these jokers alone... I have done Unplanned office for so many days and weeks and no one kept record of that and when I had to stay back due to health problems these jokers are telling me that it is not done!! I still have an excel on my desktop which says that I have 43 more unplanned office days ( saturday, sundays ,31st dec, Diwali, Indepance Day etc) than my unplanned leaves.. I worked day in and day out for this project and always felt it as my own system. And I never told anyone that I want comp off for all those days.. Now If you cant appriciate this then atleast dont humiliate me!! and Appriciation was not even expected from Jokers.. I should say they dont have the level to do that!! Then I asked third joker to check my records for leaves now.. And we will decide whether unplanned office is more or unplanned leaves were more.. But he told that I have to discuss it with middle joker.. (Then Sir if you dont have rights and the decision making power why are you doing the work which you are not authorised to do? ) then suddenly the biggest joker came and he told me lets go out and discuss ( As he is the most useless and coward of all jokers). So first he took me near toilet then we stood at different positions in the corridor. I said boss this is not the place to discuss ( atleast be professional some time!!) lets go inside and chat. Then he also continued with the same crap.. And after this bull shit he told that he has given me highest possible rating.. Great Jokers!! Where were you GOD when these pieces were made? See I with highest rating was not happy at all leave alone those with lower rating. This spreads disharmony in the project...But Jokers oh Jokers you are great..
All the three jokers should made to give the hourly record of their work as every team member does!! Within 1 month you will come to know that they are useless.. I mean No need to have the trplet of Jokers .. One Joker is sufficient to do all this bullshit!!
Then frustration went on increasing in beetween with more filthy incidents than this!! And I decided to go for further studies rather than being called a Joker one day by someone!!
There are Many Good Technical People around.. Please Find them and Remove the Jokers.. Cause life without Jokers is so nice.. Right Now I am Enjoying..
Many More Incidents involving Jokers will be documented in coming weeks.. So Just check out for the same space!!
Friday, August 14, 2009
Time to say Bye!!!
Time to say Byee…It’s a bit longer text but I had no choice... Even I have spent a long time (Almost 3 years in VSNL) in TCS … And I need to thank you all for making it a wonderful experience.
So finally the day has come when I have to say “Good Bye” to all of you. As a matter of fact it’s going to be a small break from professional life and journey back to the student life. I am going for higher education (MS) at The University of Hong Kong and I will be on Leave without Pay during that period. No doubt I am going to be back to TCS after a year or 2 years depending upon the courses offered at university, but the point is I wontget a chance to working with you all again in the same team, as most of thepeople whom I know are either due for release or already left the project.So when I will come back its like a fresh journey again.
When I joined TCS ILP it was a fun experience. We used to a lot of extracurricular activities. And I really enjoyed my time there.I still remember the days when we had come from Trivandrum to Yantra Park,Thane. It was like a dream come true for me. I was just amazed seeing the huge facility and the crowd in formal attire with professional attitude. It actually raised questions in my mind about whether I belong to this placeor not.
I joined VSNL project after coming back from ILP and with me all my 36 friends who had come from Trivandrum. It was really getting nervous when I entered the ODC with my mind filled up of tension and curiousness at thesame time. But people were extremely good to me and it started my journey into the world of IT.All my seniors were very talented. My team mates always shared there knowledge with me. Kiran, Bipul, Karuna, Sahil Bhai, Swati, Monica, Anil toname a few. Ram, Vineet and Shridhar always helped and supported mewhenever I need. They were always there when I looked up to them. Anant,Amit and Amol always helped me in understanding the system better. I really don’t remember how many times I approached them with all the silly doubts of mine. And credit to them that they answered each time with same patience. Thank you all, without of you all I don’t know whether I could have survived in the demanding world of IT.
Vinayak Sir always inspired me and my fellow batch mates who joined this project as a fresher. We used to see him working day in and day out with the same dedication and passion. His professional attitude and systematic approach always showed us the right path. And I am glad to mention that because of his persuasiveness we all could come out with flying colours.It’s very important to have such a strong support at the early age of the career and I, Karthik, Sunil, Atul, Bipul, and Gokul always had that. He always showed confidence in our ability and gave us the space to grow up. We all are thankful to you sir for spending your precious time with us when we needed the support. He is still a mentor and guide for all of us.
And how can I go without mentioning my peers in the project. Karthik,Sunil, Mr.Metri (Big Time), Hussain, Atul, Bipul, Shivani, Nilesh. We all enjoyed our time in VSNL project. And we shared all our problems, sorrows and achievements together. The team was like a small family. I mean we used to spend more time at office then at home, thanks to the unstable system.Till now we are very close to each other. I am going to miss you all most when I go from here.
After few days an important event took place in my professional life, I were given the responsibility of taking care of the billing. The process wasvery irregular at the time I started doing that. It used to take almost 2days to complete that. I learnt every possible thing that I could from Monica and Kiran. But still the process was very difficult to carry out.Then Mr. Ashish Makde joined me as part of billing sub module. And we started gelling very well with each other. Now the same process gets overin 6 hours, thanks to the efforts of Ashish. He gave me such a confidence that we went on changing the flows and making it better day by day. I still remember those days when rating engine was slow and we used to stay inoffice for 3-4 days, sometimes even without having bath!! He He…Then we used to come in alternate night shifts but we always enjoyed that.The motivation was enough from Vinayak sir and all my seniors to drive it through.It was an awesome team with Great Spirit and everyone worked for each other. I remember during some issues entire team staying back with vinayak sir till 2-3 AM till the problem gets under control. Really I miss those days!!!
I never knew how the years flew by. Suddenly, I was sharing my knowledge with juniors one day. It was a really a nice experience to share theknowledge you have with the juniors. I could actually point out the areaswhere I did the mistake and tell them to avoid those. Srini was the first to whom I have given a knowledge sharing session and I was very much happy the way it went on. I hope even he shares the similar feeling… Then it wasthe entire new team members who joined in and even some from EBU. Latest ones are Jinse and Sushil. (Hope you people understood what I taught. hehe) It was really a nice experience to know you all and to share my knowledge with you all. You all were very nice and thanks for hearing me patiently. If you need any help at any time please feel free to contact me.(If you think I can help you !!)
I am very close to Sajid, Shivani, Ashish, Vanik and Bipul as we used to share our meals daily. Meals toh ek bahana tha… But thank them all to hear all my useless talks all these years.. Especially Shivani and Ashish... The two souls I troubled the most.Oh and not to forget Kamal… Nice to work with you buddy.. Had great time Boss!!!‘Pranay’ aka Mr. Jain... You are doing very well with the postpaid billing…Keep it up!!Mr. Jain it’s great to have a bhai like you !
My ILP mates were always very close to me. Alpa, Metri, Namrata, Atul,Pranav, Sheetal, Jaykin, Sunil, Siddharth, PC, Siva, Nilesh, Ashish Kabraand the list goes on…Some of them were very far but still we are very much attached to each other like Mr.Saurabh Singh, Sandhya, Jaspal, Avijit ,Shovik to name a few. Thanks to TCS for giving me opportunity to know all these gem of a people and to spend some quality time with them. It was a wonderful experience to know you all…. Keep in touch buddies.
Oh and about my mates from TCS football team… They are doing great things this season (May be because I am not there to do the lazy defense !)… But really I enjoyed each and every moment with them. I was really close to all my mates. This year we should win the league… Thanks to Amit Sir, Allen,Nagi, Jiggi, Monty, Avi and all my mates. I won’t ever forget you guys!!TCS Football rocks !!
My friends from VSNL (now TCISL) deserve a place in my ‘good bye’ note…To start with I and Ashish had a very close relation with Akshay and Alex.Together we had done lots of efforts to reduce irregularities in thesystem. And they were always a positive critic for us. And we all shared a common target of improving the system. I am glad that same work is being carried forward by Saurabh sir… It was really nice working with you all. I mean you have to be lucky to have an expertise at client side like you.It’s no shame to admit that I have learnt a lot from you all. It was always a pleasure working with Rupak, Romik, Amit, Rachana and Nishant to mention a few.
It is almost 3 years now. And I am completely changed person. TCS has transformed me from ‘Flamboyant Rookie’ to ‘Matured Professional’ (Oh Iknow that still that flamboyance comes up every now and then, But you know even I cant help it!!). But this work experience in a firm like TCS has certainly made a difference to my life. Now I can go out with much more confidence and right attitude.
And last but not least, thanks Rohith for making it a smooth transition!!
It’s really sad to part with the team as I know each and every person inthe team and all are very close to me. Babu, Sendhil, Parag, Ganesh, AyaazBhai, Pratik, Gauri, Shan, Saumya, Rahul, Amit, Anunay, Gokul, Shaktibhai ,Somu, Sumit, Sujit Bhai you all people make a great team!! You allrock….I need the wishes from you all for my future Endeavour…Hope I can meet youall very soon after coming back.. Till the time it’s a BIG GOOD BYE…
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Contact No.: I will update You Once I get a New Number.