Sunday, May 16, 2010

Hiee Again..

Hi to all. I am back as I promised to everyone after a somewhat splash and dash finish in my last semester at HKU. Offcourse waiting eagerly for the results now :) Hoping for the best.
During past 6 months (Oh I have just realised that it is a first blog from in the year 2010) I thought about various topics, too many thoughts as always came to mind. But then I did not have enough time to put those into a nice blogpost. (You can always point out the time I wasted playing Mafia wars on facebook :) ) Okiez.. But then I had my laptop crashing down out of no where in leaving me helpless and then studies and other activities always kept me somewhat away from blogging..
Anyways now I am back. So you all can expect some good topics in coming days at this space.
During these 5 Months (January to May 2010) I learnt lot of new things. Learning to code on MATLAB was one of the major achievement. As an engineer I was always aware of MATLAB codes but never used it as such a powerful tool during my B.E. days. It was all about copying from some well maintained programs from the lab and doing it. Oh you cant blame me for that! There were only 5 PCs with MATLAB in my college and even my professors from Undergrad program were not that well versed with MATLAB.
But here at HKU, I learnt MATLAB from a whole new perspective. Again I realised the importance of "SELF-LEARNING". Learning should always be done by yourself and teachers, friends or seniors should only guide you and not spoon feed you. Because when you learn from self experimentation on a particular software or tool or for that matter any subject, you always learn it with all tricks and trades. You get to know the things quite well and be at ease with that at your own comfort.
Other than that nothing much. Lifes pretty cool out here. I changed my hairstyle (or should I say I was forced to ) lot of times during the year. Naah. Dont worry I know its not "Saurabh's Fashion Saloon" blog and I am not putting up all those pics here (like Before and After)..
I guess thats all for now. Keep visiting my blog !! I will come up with some new and nice posts :) in coming days :) Love you all.. take care

1 comment:

Precious said...

finally i see you! come soon we shall partaay!